Friday 11 April 2014

What is Section 75?

Section 75 of The Consumer Credit Act is there to protect you, the consumer against the purchase faulty and / or mis-sold goods and services. The credit provider is as equally liable as the retailer, even if sometimes they don’t think so! This is your legal protection, and a right.

The law was passed in 1974 and basically covers any purchase from £100 to £30,000 paid for under credit. This means not only credit cards, but store cards, some car finance agreements etc used to pay for things like holidays, kitchen appliances, and computers.

Here is the first paragraph from the act:

75. — (1) If the debtor under a debtor-creditor-supplier agreement falling within section 12(b) or (c) has, in relation to a transaction financed by the agreement, any claim against the supplier in respect of a misrepresentation or breach of contract, he shall have a like claim against the creditor, who, with the supplier, shall accordingly be jointly and severally liable to the debtor.

What Are My Rights Under Section 75?
As detailed above, with any goods paid for by a debtor-creditor-supplier agreement, the credit provider is jointly and severally liable for any breach of contract or misrepresentation by the supplier of goods or services.

This means for mis-sold or faulty goods and services, if you have paid via a credit card, you also have a claim against the credit card company.

You don't have to wait until you have contacted the retailer and failed either before approaching the credit card provider - both can be made a claim against simultaneously. If the retailer has gone bust, or is being difficult, this is particularly useful.

If you have bought goods abroad, or online from an overseas retailer and had them delivered to the UK, Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act also applies.

What Does Section 75 Cover?
The total value of the goods or services must be between £100 and £30,000. This means if you have only paid a deposit on your card, you can still claim.

For example, if you paid for a holiday club or timeshare deposit with a credit card, you still have a claim for the whole amount.

What Is Not Covered Under Section 75?
The value of the goods or services must be above £100. You are not covered if you bought 2 items for example, that cost over £100 in total, but each cost less than £100. Hire purchase agreements are also not covered, but some car finance agreements may be. Other instances which are not covered by Section 75 are debit cards transactions, goods paid for via a cash withdrawl using a credit card and third party agreements such as travel agent purchases, rather than going direct to a holiday company. Also beware of PayPal and group buying purchases too, as these are not covered.

How Long Do I Have to Claim Under 75 – Is There a Time Limit?
There is no time limit to putting in a section 75 claim. If you are unhappy with the credit card company’s response however you have 6 year limit to pursue the matter in court.

This post is written by Aequiam Limited, a company that helps consumers with Section 75 Claims for mis sold goods and services on a no-win, no fee basis. You can find our more on our website, email us on or call on 01525 384422 / 384477

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